You Attract What You Think About!

Simple, real, everyday examples that demonstrate how your thoughts create everything in your life; year to year, day to day, moment to moment...

And the mind-bogglingly true, real-life, personal examples of how,

when you change what you think,

your life presents you with everything you have always wanted.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A New Level!

I know how to direct thought, feel better, then receive manifestations of that new emotional set-point.  I've been practicing and fine-tuning my thoughts consciously for two years now, and my life is just astonishing and fantastic and getting better all the time.

Three days ago I realized that even though I've consistently been feeling good, I've now reached a new, even-better-feeling set point.  And what's especially great is that it's been happening naturally, with no focused effort on my part.  Because it's now my set-point, my brain goes there easily and often.

What I noticed is I'm so easily pleased and amused and delighted.  I find so many things so funny.  The wittiest things to say at just the right moments come out of my mouth.
Watching a college football game between two teams I care nothing about is engaging and hilarious.
My kids are suddenly even cuter.  Their friends seem more charming to me. 
I have so much energy.  My gut is so calm (even when I see something I don't want!)
I have impulses to play and converse and clean stuff and tell people I love them.  And to be still.  With no agenda.  And to pet my cat for as long as he wants it.

The manifestations of this new level are glaringly apparent.
The normally grumpy lady in the checkout lane is joking and laughing with me.
Each of my kids want to lie on the couch with me and look in my eyes and talk about funny things for a while. (These are 9 and 10-year-old boys who have other things to do!)

Everything is so easy.  The great parking spots, the green lights, the helpful clerks, the great idea, the timely phone call giving me the perfect book reference, the great music everywhere...
Everyone I run into is in a good mood and wants to play and joke. 
Answers come even more easily.

At several different points during the last few days, my husband and I have been hanging out together, talking or not talking about nothing in particular for hours... while at the same time acknowledging the significance of how good it feels to actually live in the moment with each other.

The newness of this was not lost on us.  We, like most people, have been task-oriented.  In the past, we've had many long conversations, but they were full of purpose and intensity and goals of communication to achieve.  Even a conversation seemed to have an agenda and a sense of entertainment or intelligence value.  And then if the goals of the conversation have been reached, it's on to the next task.

In contrast, this new level of easy joy has been reflected in our way of interacting with each other for the last few days.  (Yes, all your relationships meet you where you are).
Overused phrases, but apt here in describing our conversations:  Being in the moment, being fully present, appreciating everything on a constant, subconscious level, having no time constraints, and having nothing to prove left us feeling even more appreciative of each other and of ourselves.

I'm not saying I didn't pop out of the vortex here and there over these last few days. 
I did, in fact have a wonderful few moments of feeling angry, which I used as my topic of focus (to do a Focus Wheel exercise) during my latest hike.
BTW, feeling angry almost always means you're feeling powerless about something.  Which always means you're thinking there is some circumstance you think you need to control...

I had had some small, residual thoughts about my 'worthiness', ie; if a manifestation is not here yet, I must be doing something wrong. 
That thought was an old long-held belief that I had been fine-tuning to the point now where it very rarely comes up. 
The subject was so easily and thrillingly resolved.  No kidding, when you feel a strong emotion, the purposeful moving of the energy back up to joy is an exhilarating thing.

The revelation for me about this new level of happiness is that it really is an effortless, natural state of being.  It's everyone's natural state of being. 
That's why it's so uncomfortable to feel worried or frustrated or sad.  It's so completely contrary to your self.
It took some practice to focus thoughts toward feeling better, but it's a joyful practice that continues to get easier and easier and better and better.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

There's No Such Thing As Worthiness

What does it mean to feel worthy?  To feel deserving, as determined by others or by God.  To feel good about yourself.  To feel confident in who you are.  To feel good enough. To feel accomplished.

There is no such thing as worthiness because there is no such thing as unworthiness.
The very process of trying to achieve 'worthiness' is backward.
You were born 'worthy', and it cannot be lost, so the act of trying to achieve it leaves you looking forever.

We try to become worthy of love from others by what we do and what we say and how we look.
We try to become worthy of a pile of money by working hard or being nice to someone who has some, or by suffering so much someone will rescue us.
We try to be worthy of a particular job by working hard or earning a degree and being compared favorably over everyone else applying for the job.

What you want is not the attention from others or the job or the money.  What you want is the way you will feel when you have those things.  You think you will feel 'worthy'.  And you probably will for a minute.
What you really want is to feel free and happy and confident and loving and fun and joyous and excited and playful. 
When are in in that state, you love who you are.  You like your own company.  You see why others want to be with you.  The answers to all your questions appear in the minute you ask them.  You feel powerful.  You are powerful.  You feel love and appreciation for life and for yourself.

How do you achieve a state of love and appreciation for yourself?
Look around for things to love.
Become one who loves.
Appreciate anything and everything you can find.  And when you do, you find it everywhere.
Do it all day long. Practice!

In continuing to observe things to appreciate, you become that person who is 'worthy'.
In continuing to observe things to appreciate, you make a habit of being joyful. 
In your continued appreciation, you go from moments of love to a consistent state of love.
In a state of love, you are that person you want to be.
In a state of appreciation you are powerful.
In a state of love and appreciation you are living in joy. 

You will never again look for ways to qualify for the life you want.  You will never question your love for yourself again.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Joy At the Grocery Store

I went to the grocery store today feeling okay.
Not super-duper. Just okay.
I prefer super-duper.

I noticed a man being playful with his son. I watched them and appreciated them for a while.

I noticed products that I could buy that would be delicious for my lunch. I imagined myself enjoying that lunch.

I noticed things I could buy that my kids would enjoy.
That sent me into happy thoughts and images and remembered exchanges with my kids. I laughed out loud.
Definitely moving up from "okay".

I suddenly noticed the song playing on the audio system was one I really liked.
I started singing it to myself. Joy is very close.

Then a man said, "Nice dimples."
I hadn't realized I was smiling.
OOOOH, that feels good to connect on a happy level with someone else!
Better still.

I went to the checkout lane and found one empty. I pulled in, then danced back to the end of the lane to see if I wanted to add a magazine to the pile when I slipped on a grape.

I said loudly enough from the end of the conveyor belt for the cashier to hear, "There's a grape on the floor that I slipped on. I almost died."
The response was beautifully electric. The entire mass of people within earshot giggled, smiled, exchanged happy looks with one another.

I'm in the vortex and I just lured you all in too!
Joy, joy, joy!

The cashier called to the clean-up crew: "There's a grape on the floor and this lady slipped on it. She almost died."

Everyone laughed and watched as he cleaned it up so they could prolong the connection and the joke.

I left the grocery store in a state of joy and appreciation and love that stayed with me for the rest of the evening. My boys could feel it and they joined in my playfulness. The only way they knew how to express the contagious feeling was to hug me and tell me how much they love me.

Answer to a Reader's Question

How do you stay centered and focused when you are used to dwelling in an anxious or depressed or negative state...?"

You're asking about 'habit of thought'.
You created this habit out of beliefs.
A 'belief' is only a thought you keep thinking.

You believe it's necessary to have a plan of defence, to be prepared, to prevent being blind-sided... in order to avoid pain.
You believe pain is an inevitable result of misfortune or negative judgements of others, or payment for your shortcomings.
You also believe you must control circumstances.
You believe others' opinions determine your well-being.

Also, there is an insidiousness of this habit that is simply a lack of awareness of the ability to steer your own thoughts.
During the hours you're awake, you have to think about something!
Your brain is a focusing mechanism.
It's simply easy (lazy) to think about what you observe, rather than what you want to observe.

This constant state of distrust of well-being is only a habit borne of a lifetime of conditioning. Comparison to others, grades, income, conditional love, belief in 'worthiness'...

The good news is that this belief can be dropped forevermore.

And the simple step toward doing that is the belief that you must. And that you can. Easily.

Let's go back to the premise of the question.
You cannot STAY always in a joyous state, ever.
It is necessary to observe 'contrast' in order to form the new question. (and reason for your expansion)
In the observance of the unwanted situation you feel negative emotion.

The question then is: "How do you BECOME centered and focused (receptive of what you want instead).
Decide you want to. Decide it is the source of your connectedness to your well-being.. Decide it has nothing to do with the actions of others, the opinions of others, the existence of the unwanted circumstance.
Pay attention to how you feel.
If you feel 'not good', know that this train of thought is contrary to the solution.
Make a statement. to yourself about that subject that makes you feel better. Or drop the subject!
Once you feel better, you will see evidence of the Universe's (or God's) positive, perfect, life-giving response to your asking.
The goal will be that 90% of your daily life will be spent in love or apprecation or joy or interest or enthusiasm or fun or eagerness or contentment...with a feeling of ease and security and adventure and delight. 10% of your time will be spent in moments of attention toward the subjects you want to improve.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


"My circumstances are dire.  I lost my job.  I don't know how I'm going to pay the bills.  I believe I cannot get a job that will make enough money unless I get an advanced education, and I don't have time and my education is costing me too much, and even if I get the education I still have to compete with all these other people for the job...

As focusing human beings, you came to this life (temporarily) to focus upon circumstances in order to create constant improvement, and for you to feel the joy of sailing from less to more by your thought alone.

Everything you encounter that you do not like is the launching point for something better.
When you encounter anything you don't like, you 'ask' consciously or subconsciously, for improvement.
In the moment you 'ask', the improvement is created.  That is the expansion of the universe and the expansion of you.

When you encounter: you create;
Not enough: plenty
Limitations: unlimitedness
A rude person: nicer interactions
A lack of resources: more resources
A lost job: a better job
A lost relationship: a better relationship
The passing of a loved one: understanding of eternity

Your ability to receive the created result is dependent upon your belief in the existence of the result.
The way to achieve belief in the existence of the result is to make yourself feel better.

It's not about doing things to improve the situation.  In fact, actions that you take while out of the vortex (while feeling overwhelmed or scared or worried, etc) are counterproductive.

You make yourself feel better by saying anything you can think of that gives you even the slightest sense of relief on that subject.

Another way to look at it:
The circumstance you are fretting about is actually past tense.
The current circumstance is a manifestation of past thought.  New manifestations will match new thought.

In time, you'll appreciate the energy, the challenge, the 'juice', the focus that unwanted circumstances provide you.  And as you manage your ever-increasing time in the vortex, you'll notice more and more circumstances to appreciate.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How My Life Changed

A couple of years ago, I had been having night terrors(nightmares)--dreams in which I was so certain of my very real and impending death that I ran out of the room in my sleep.
I went to an acupuncturist who directed me through a visualization exercise that sent me into a state of pure joy.
The shocking awareness that resulted was of the vast difference I felt between the feeling of Joy while lying on the table and of the Anxiety that I normally felt.
I didn't know I had been feeling anxious. I thought how I felt was normal. And I thought how I felt was completely dependent upon what was going on in my life.
But when I lay on the acupuncturist's table and felt joy from my thoughts, I knew I was on to something life-changing.

When I discovered the direct and powerful and instantaneous connection between what I think about and what I feel, I was astonished.
It also made sense in the context of Law of Attraction, which I had heard of (by the video, The Secret) and was intrigued by, but didn't yet understand.

Then books pertaining to the Law of Attraction began to fall in my lap.  Every time I went to a bookstore and was drawn to a book, or saw a book review, or was offered a book by someone, it always had Law of Attraction as its subject.  Even my husband, who was repelled by The Secret, felt compelled to buy a copy of The Alchemist for me.  He had no idea what it was about, but it was a fable about Law of Attraction.  He eventually loved the book, by the way.
I started to read everything, starting with the scientific basis of how this universal law worked.

I got more and more excited about it. I spent a lot of time reading and thinking about how the world may in fact be so much more than I can see, and about why it really is so precise and perfect and unerring and interconnected and flawless.
At that time I also began to have vivid dreams that demonstrated my new understanding.  The dreams felt thrilling.
The more I let go of the limited view I had grown up with, the more my life became what I had always wanted it to be.

I began the practice of making myself feel better.  All day, every day I would take note of how I was feeling and if I didn't feel good I would intentionally focus on anything I could think of that felt good.

I also began the practice of intentionally feeling better about a subject that was troubling me.  I loved the Abraham-hicks tool called the Focus Wheel, and used it daily on various subjects.

I gradually let go of the need for circumstances (or the behavior of people) to make me feel good. I learned that my thoughts were responsible for how I felt (and for the circumstances that then showed up, which had matched how I felt).

During this time, in 2008, I let my two businesses, one of which I had been operating for 23 years, fold.
I challenged myself with the task of feeling better about empoyees no longer having jobs (with me).
I challenged myself with the task of feeling better about my husband becoming the primary wage-earner.
I challenged myself with the task of not 'producing' anything.
I challenged myself with the task of letting go of clients' disappointment with my leaving them.
I challenged myself with not getting accolades.  (there really aren't any accolades for cleaning the house!)
I challenged myself with the idea that my investor in my second business lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I used every one of these topics, and many more, in Focus Wheel and Moving Up The Vibrational Scale exercises.  I genuinely reached a place of joy and appreciation on every single one of those challenging topics.

Consequently, I now have constant joy and love and abundance and freedom and experiences that I would not have had were it not for those challenges.

One interesting point of background to this story is that I had always been an atheist.
And I mean the literal sense of the word which is without religion, not against religion.

I grew up without religion.  I always thought that this is all there is.  What I can see and feel is it.  And when I die there is no more.
I believed there was randomness and luck and unfairness and limited resources and competition and a required course of hard work and struggle and correct mate choice and correct career choice and correct child rearing and daily re-earning of value...

When I understood what Law of Attraction really is, I saw that every single one of those beliefs were ridiculous.

It was a process of understanding, but once the ball got rolling, it was an exhilarating path of discovery.
But it wasn't just the thrill of reading words that felt right to me, it was that my life started acting the way the books said it would.
First, I felt so much better.  I had let go of the idea that worry was a useful thing. 

I began to focus on good-feeling thoughts on purpose.

I began feeling good more of the time (in contrast to the constant anxiety that I hadn't even been aware of before..)
Then things immediately began to happen that made me feel good. 

When I focused my thoughts on appreciating clients I had, more clients appeared who were easy to appreciate.

When I stopped focusing on empty bank accounts and focused on the abundance of ideas and abundance of love and abundance of freedom and abundance of produce in the grocery store, the bank accounts filled up again.

When I looked for things to appreciate about annoying people, they became wonderful to be around.

When I playfully expected smooth traffic, empty parking spots, exemplary service, happy conversations, animals on my hikes... they were always there.

I also began enjoying my own company.  I began to enjoy quiet, which I rarely had before.  I began to enjoy long hikes (which I used to hate) and cleaning house, (same).
I began to notice that there were qualities about people that I loved.  (I used to be very critical and picky about the people I would hang out with).  I noticed people seemed to be funnier.

I began to appreciate my children in new ways.  They suddenly began to act more loving.

I also noticed an extraordinary and amazing thing.  Whenever I had a question about anything, I could go for a hike or sit in a chair and suddenly know the answer.

Also, one morning I was lying awake in my bed when my brother appeared in my vision and started talking to me in German.   The language was something we had in common, and especially one word he used, 'erinerest', (remember) had been a word we had used with each other as teenagers (just because it's difficult to pronounce, but we both enjoyed that we could pronounce it). 
He was so exhilarated by the trasition he had just experienced, and he said that he had already gone to our favorite spot in Hawaii and he had also gone to where we had lived in Japan...
My mother called shortly thereafter to tell me he had died a couple of hours ago.

I knew that my new gift of joy had allowed me to communicate with my newly-transitioned exhuberant brother. (same channel!)

But regardless of the incredible, constant, miraculous manifestations I receive every single day, what I value most of all is the ability to feel good.

What is Trust?

What do we mean about having trust, or losing trust?

1) There's the trust you have in other people to behave in a way you want them to, or in the way they say they are going to.

2) There's trust in your own well-being, or trust in the environment around you.

3) There's the trust in your ability to handle an unwanted situation.

Let's look at each one separately.
1) Trust in other people is conditional love.

If you require someone else to behave in a particular way in order for you to feel good, that is conditional love. Conditional love says: under these conditions, I can feel loving toward you (and toward myself).
If you find yourself in this struggle, the emphasis you must take is that toward feeling love for yourself and toward appreciation for the motivations of others (which have nothing to do with you).
Everyone behaves in a way in which they believe will make them feel better.  They do so based on their own unique experiences and their own unique point of view and their own unique goals as human beings. 
How they behave has nothing to do with you. 
How they behave has nothing to do with your value.
How they behave has nothing to do with your well-being.

2)Trust in your own well-being or in your environment. Let's say you have had a traumatic event that has caused a perspective of fear about your vulnerability within your environment.

Your belief that there is a source of evil or a source of illness or a source of randomness creates a sense of vulnerability.
You have the belief that it's simply enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time to become victim to evil (in another person, or an illness, or a virus, or an accident...)

I spent a few years in a heightened sense of anxiety about rapists and car accidents and death and law suits and the weather and perceived 'value' to others... I found out it's all an illusion!

There is no source of evil. 'Evil' is people acting 'out of the vortex' in an attempt to feel better.
There is no source of illness. Illness is exaggerated emotion.  There are bacterias and viruses and diseases which are manifestations depicting exactly the way you have been feeling.
Again, this is another blog to expand upon.

The earth is an incredibly complex and perfectly balanced example of expanded and expanding life, as is the human body and any cell you care to examine more closely.  There is no danger that humans are threatening the earth's well-being.

There is no source of 'bad luck'. There is no source of 'accident'. Everything is either allowing or not allowing well-being.
Everything you attract is a perfect match to your state of mind. 
This is a good subject to expand upon for a later post.

3)Trust in your ability to handle a future unwanted situation (and the perceived pain around it).
There is nothing more useless than 'dread'.
Dread is an imagined situation and your imagined painful response to it.
Really? You want to feel pain now about a problem that doesn't even exist?

Aside from the silliness of that, how is your skill at feeling better?
Do you know how to focus on a thought that feels better?
If you do, that is ALL your power.
If you don't, why not start now?

As a reminder, you create your own reality.  By your thoughts.  Period.

Law of Attraction draws to you what you believe.  If you believe in danger, bad people, bad luck, illness and struggle... you will see and live more of that.
....Yet another blog post subject.

If you believe there is only well-being and dis-allowance of well-being (based only upon what you think!), you have the power to create the life you came to live.

Trust is a misunderstood concept. All you need is trust in the consistency and wellness and perfection of source energy, (you can call it God if you like) and of yourself as an embodiment of source energy right now.  Nothing needs to change.   All is well.  All you need is a change in the perspective in your role in your own life and you will see in yourself, and in the world, its constant, eternal, ever-present goodness and perfection.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Manifestations as Clues

Yesterday I spent about two and a half hours writing an extra-brilliant blog post.  I had erased a line I had just written, but the entire post erased.
Aaargh.  That was pretty dramatic.  Attention-grabbing.

At that moment I wanted to feel better, so I consciously blew it off to go watch TV with my hunny.
I knew I would address it tomorrow.
However, in the middle of the night I awoke with the question on my mind, Why did that happen?

Here's what I thought to myself: 
This is a manifestation of how I have been unwittingly feeling.  A clue!
What did it feel like?  Disappointing.
But it's a pretty big disappointment, that must mean I've been feeling disappointed about other things.

Yup.  I do remember feeling very disappointed over missing an entire night's sleep the night before.

I also remember feeling disappointed the day before that over discovering the $100 gift certificate I was going to use had expired.

And I remember feeling disappointed two days ago over not having received a check I was expecting.

What to do now?  Change the channel!   I've obviously been vibrating a low level of 'disappointment', so now I would like to adjust this frequency on this subject. (the subject being my perceived level of control over things manifesting when and how I want them to)

By the way, I'll explain here that this is called Fine Tuning.  I had not been feeling disappointed all the time for the last 3 days.  It had simply come up once, I ignored it, so it came back.  I ignored it again, so it came back, until it manifested in a way that was strong enough to get my attention.

Lying in my bed I thought, since 'disappointment' is not that far outside the vortex (see the Vibrational Scale) I can Take the Bounce, or tune myself to the opposite of 'disappointment'.
What word can I think of that seems to be the opposite of disappointed?  Delighted. Thrilled.

I said the words in my mind a few times.  I easily thought about how those words feel.
Then images came into my mind of past experiences that felt delightful and thrilling.
Lying in my bed, I could feel thrilled by focusing on those past experiences.
I continued to focus in that way for maybe 10 minutes.  One, because it felt great, and two because I wanted to make certain I had changed the channel.
I then naturally started feel so appreciative of the experience of having my blog post erased!
It's fun to go from disappointed to thrilled!  It's like riding a wave on a surfboard.

By the way, the check I had wanted to arrive at a certain time in a certain way showed up in cash.
The $100 coupons were honored in spite of having been expired for 5 months.
I slept a magnificent 11 hours straight last night.

Also, a valuable overriding lesson to me is to let Law of Attraction do its thing without trying to have so much control over how or when I want things to happen. 
Life is so good.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My Thought Bank

Every day, I gather beautiful images, fun conversations, positive manifestations, funny quotes, moments that feel amazing, compliments, etc, for my Thought Bank.

I use my Thought Bank every day to either get back into the vortex when I'm out, or to goose feeling good into feeling even better.

Consequently, because I have a huge repertoire of thoughts to draw upon, it's so easy to feel good.
Also, the act of looking for items to "bank" makes me look for things to appreciate, which makes my day automatically geared toward feeling good.

I don't need happy circumstances to observe in order to feel good because I have my thoughts with me at all times, no matter what the circumstance.
Consequently, because I spend so much time either feeling good or trying to feel good, my world reflects good feeling-circumstances.

How Does it Work?

Law of Attraction is working and effecting everything all the time whether you know it or not, whether you understand it or not, whether you believe it or not, whether you use it on purpose or not.
And it's a very amazing and wonderful thing.

Everything is energy, including thoughts.

If you think of energy vibrating on different frequencies (as you know sound waves do, light waves do, radio waves do, etc) you can get an idea of how energies are attracted to their own frequency.

If you think of your brain as a receiver/transmitter and that your thoughts are on different specific frequencies, like on a radio dial, you can begin to understand why, if you're thinking thoughts of worry, you're attracting more thoughts of worry.  Conversely, if you're thinking thoughts of appreciation, more thoughts of appreciation (and happiness and joy, which are the same frequency) pour into your mind.  (see the Vibrational Scale)

Thoughts create things.  All things are vibrational before they're physical.  Everything that you see and hear and taste and touch now, existed in vibrational form before they 'manifested.'

What manifests in your life is always a vibrational match to the majority of your thoughts on that subject.  Your thoughts may get more or less optimistic on a subject, but it's the chronic nature of your thoughts that attract its match.

You have set-points of thought/frequency, which are specific to particular subjects, such as relationships, health, money, work, home.  For instance, you can feel chronically worried or frustrated about money, but mostly enthusiastic about your relationships.  You love your home, but work is overwhelming.

When the majority of your thoughts about money are worry, you attract more circumstances that make you feel worried.
When you feel enthusiastic about your relationships, they just get better and better.  When you feel mostly overwhelmed about work, it gets even more chaotic and lacking in time and resources.

The big paradigm shift that lets you create your life the way you want it, rather than you reacting to things you don't want..... is this: 
You have control over your set-points.  All you have to do is change the channel.

How do you do that?
Think a thought (on that subject that has you upset) which makes you feel a little better.  Any thought that feels better is on a higher vibrational 'channel.'  Just starting the ball rolling toward feeling better will carry you to feeling better still.
Then do it again after seeing something else you don't want.

You feel a little better about it. You feel a sense of relief. Now what?
Either keep going with the good-feeling trend by doing a Focus Wheel exercise (Tools) to raise your feelings on the subject higher still,
Stop thinking about it for now.  Remember, you've shifted the vibration upward on the subject by making yourself feel better, so you are already no longer a match to the problem.

How do I stop thinking about it?  I keep seeing reminders of it.
Remind yourself that everything is energy.  The problem you're observing is actually a manifestation of how you used to feel about it. What's coming now is a match to the opposite of what you were feeling. (an energy wave, like a sound wave, has two equal and opposite sides)

How long does it take to see the manifestation of the opposite of the problem?
Only as long as it takes you to allow yourself to feel that good. A vibrational match.
For instance, if you have a situation that makes you feel worried or afraid about money, the opposite of that feeling is secure, confident, eager, abundant. 
If you can think of the subject of money and automatically feel eager, enthusiastic, stable, you are a match to the manifestation of financial security and abundance.

The manifestation happens when the tipping point is reached; when the majority of your feelings on the subject are a match to the opposite of the feelings you had about the problem.

How can I go from feeling worried and afraid to feeling secure and abundant without first seeing any physical evidence of change?
Thought comes first, change comes second.
You change your feelings just like a radio dial, in increments.
Increments of thought.  You can't jump from one extreme to another in one thought.  It takes the simple, determined intention to feel a little better, then a little better, better, all the way up the dial.

You want the improved circumstance in order to feel better.  Make yourself feel better for the sake of feeling better.
And you will see steady improvement in circumstacnes as you feel better.

But first, in order to make the trip up the dial, you have to make peace with where you are
There's no shame in being in a situation that feels worrisome or in feeling sad or depressed or overwhelmed. 
It's all just energy, and it is what it is in this moment.
In fact, you will get to the point where you will become so appreciative of the intensity of the problem, because the bigger the problem, the bigger the solution. (opposite ends of the energy wave, remember?)

That's the nutshell version of how Law of Attraction works.
Did it answer questions?  Did it make more questions?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Admit How You Feel

I had a little tantrum this morning.  It was so awesome!

My family had left for work and school and I awoke to several messes that they had left.
As I was cleaning up, I tried to get into my usual mode of bliss, but I kept noticing that I was mumbling little complaints about these messes.

After 20 minutes and several attempts to make myself feel better, I began to feel like I had no control over the bubbling cauldron of thoughts that kept coming up.  Then I had and epiphany!
I said to myself, "Well let's just get mad, shall we?"  (apparently I speak to myself in the royal 'we')

I then let loose with all the things I wanted to say about how inconsiderate and lazy and and thoughtless these people are being.  I went on a tirade, as if they were there, saying "What is this, a frat house?  Am I your maid?"  Yeah, real zingers, I know, but it felt so good to unleash on them!

After a little while, I started getting thoughts like, "I'm glad I have a family to pick up after.  They really aren't so bad.  They really are very thoughtful and sweet and I love then so much."
I eventually got to, "I really like the physical movement of cleaning up.  I love the sense of satisfaction I get in seeing my beautiful house looking shiny and clean and beautiful again."

I felt so much better!  And I no longer felt the desire to yell at or try to control anybody.

I also realized those feelings had been building for a little while and wasn't acknowledging them.  Even yesterday, while I was driving I kept noticing inconsiderate drivers.  I never, ever see inconsiderate drivers, but I had been gathering 'inconsiderate' thoughts so that was what I noticed.

What a wonderful feeling it was to give myself permission to really feel an emotion and then let it go naturally.  It took no effort to make myself feel better after I vented those feelings.  And I did it without anyone there!  I didn't need to make anyone understand or make anyone do anything to make me feel better.  That's my job, not theirs.

What I know about Law of Attraction is that the more I focus on the considerate, kind, thoughtful nature of my family, the more they magically be that way.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What You Really Want

You want things.  A new car, a house, a relationship, a bunch of money, a job, a vacation, a change, a child, a business deal, physical health, your preferred body weight, a PhD....

In every case, you want that thing because... you think you will feel better when you have it.

You want to feel good.  You want to feel that way because that's what it feels like to be yourself.  It's natural.

What you really want: is to feel secure, comfortable, loving, worthy, happy, fun-loving, spontaneous, uplifting, confident, relaxed, unlimited, generous, gregarious, energetic, eager, creative, connected, inspired, empowered, adventurous...comfortable in your own skin.

But how you feel is based always and only upon what you think.

Think about what that means.
If you don't feel good, eager, interested, most of the time now, it's because you are looking at reasons why you don't feel that way.  Then you're looking for circumstances to change in order to feel better.  But you can't change circumstances without changing how you feel first.

Oh, you can move things around to change things, but the negative feelings you had before will still be there.  And the new circumstance will reflect that.

However, if you train yourself to stop worrying, to stop focusing on what you don't like, you'll naturally feel good without changing any circumstance.  And then the circumstance will change.

All of those things you want are the juice of life!  Wanting unlimitedness.and different and more and better is what humans do best.

By the way, you can live in a castle in Italy and feel miserable.  You can have a prince and feel miserable.  You can have a fortune in your bank account and feel miserable.  You can have a perfect body and feel miserable. You can have your fantasy company materialize and create your every whim and feel miserable.

Believe me, I know!  I've experienced all of that!  It's not the circumstance that makes you feel good, it's what you think about.

What you really want is to feel good.
You have that power in every minute of every day, no matter what the circumstance.  I'm not exaggerating or even suggesting you need to give up on having anything you want.

What you really want is to realize the world is a focusing smorgasborg.  You have the power.  You can choose to focus on something that feels bad or you can choose to focus on something that feels better.
Everything in your life is reflecting what you think. Always. Consequently, when you feel good, good things happen.

When you know all the power is in your thoughts, you have a sense of power and joy and unlimitedness, which leads to tangible, manifested experiences of power and joy and unlimitedness.