I spent the next 4 years in Italy.
The first year, I took the journey back to Arizona to pick up 3 of my youngest kids, twins age 12, and their brother, age 13. They spent the summer with me in Italy. They loved it. I worked and bounced between Italy and Arizona for the next i couple of years while I developed the company.
By year 3 in Italy, after handing over the business to the owners of the hotel, I found myself living on the street in Siena for 5 and a half months.
I didn't tell anyone of my dilemma except for one Italian friend who gave me €50 per week to survive.
Meanwhile, I developed a relationship with Source. I finally realized I was being guided and taken care of in every moment.
I asked for specific food, and it was delivered to me. I asked for cigarettes, and they were delivered to me.
I asked for a bed with white sheets... And received an image of a hospital bed... I said, "Not that kind of bed!".... The next day I was in a hospital bed with appendicitis. It turned out to be a wonderful 3-day experience filled with love and respect.
Eventually I asked for help from a local friend and was immediately given an apartment for a week. I then asked another friend for a plane ticket. He had air miles, so gave them for free. I flew to stay with my father in Arizona, who knew nothing of my experience. There I had food and shelter and the love my father was capable of, which was little, but much more than I expected.
After staying with him for a couple of months, I was offered an opportunity to help a friend (former boyfriend from high school) in Florida. I went to Florida and helped the friend find a house. I later realized he was alcoholic and narcissistic, but the reward was the upper story of a house to myself, privacy, and nearly limitless budget, which allowed me to lease a horse. My intention was to help him feel better about himself by raising ducks, adopting a dog, putting in a pool to exercise in... And teaching him about energy... It worked for a while...Then he became more morose and stuck in his addictions.
That relationship became untenable...He kicked me out (then refused to admit he ha kicked me out,)
It was the perfect opportunity to decide to find a new place to live.